Intro to Our Journey with FWTFL

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intro to our journey with faster way to fat loss - fwtfl

I used to have a super-high metabolism. I always knew that it likely wouldn’t last forever and that once I had kids, my body would drastically shift. What I wasn’t expecting was for that to change even before I had kids. Whether it was just getting older, or being less active with desk jobs, or changing hormones once I was engaged and started birth control, who knows… it was likely a lethal combination of all of those things! I’ve known for a while now that I need to adjust some habits in order to get healthy and find more energy.

What is FWTFL?

I’ve been wanting to do the FASTer Way to Fat Loss (FWTFL) program for over a year and a half now! I had heard about this program through lots of classmates from college (the program was started by Amanda Tress, who also graduated from Cedarville University, where I went to school). And having several of those classmates & friends also come from the nursing and medical background, enlisted a sense of confidence regarding the science and the methods that were being used: Intermittent Fasting, Healthy Eating / Carb Cycling, and Exercise. I originally wanted to jump into this program over a year ago, around the same time that I got pregnant — and then I didn’t feel like doing anything. Forward to a year later, and several months after giving birth to our beautiful little Ollie man, I was ready to lose the baby weight and jump into the program again — and then lost my job and half of our income. So I wasn’t about to spend money and invest in something when I didn’t know when I would be getting paid again.

Why now?

In the last few months, I have started my own business (read more about How I Found the Confidence to Start My Own Business) and have just recently become fully booked with clients, which is crazy exciting and a huge answer to prayer! I’ve been telling my husband for weeks that as soon as I landed enough clients, I wanted to invest in the FWTFL program, especially once Ahna (one of my best friends) was now a Certified Coach for the FWTFL Program!

After some discussion, I have decided to splurge and make sure that both me AND Eric are signed up (because I need the accountability and He is my favorite partner for all things!) and really, we both need to adjust some habits for healthier living and can stand to lose a few pounds. (Also, once I signed up, I was able to Eric at a 50% discount!) I’m certainly not expecting to have a 6-pack by the end of our 6-week round, but I am expecting to build the habits that will allow Eric and I to move forward in a healthier lifestyle - not just through exercise and building that into our routine, but also through what we eat and when we eat. (Totally still eating donuts on my cheat days!) My desire is to walk through these next 6-weeks and as a result end up with more energy, confidence, freedom & joy! (And if I can lose some of this baby fat - extra bonus!)

front view - before staring the faster way to fat loss journey!
side view - before staring our journey with faster way to fat loss

Don’t worry - we will be taking more accurate and revealing photos to show our BEFORE and AFTER results… I just wasn’t ready to be that vulnerable on the blog yet!

Our FASTer Way to Fat Loss journey begins on Monday, August 10th with Ahna Fulmer as our Certified Coach! There’s still time to make an incredible last-minute decision (registration for this round closes on Sunday night) and join us on this journey — if you have ever considered joining FWTFL for a round or want to try it out along with me and Eric, you can sign up here:

And if you want to follow along closely with our journey and progress, make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our blog, so you never miss a post!

ajenericadventure - our journey with fwtfl
intro to our journey with fwtfl